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Book fabulous fun entertainment for your next event!


Steps to Ordering your Caricature online.



Email with your requirements.

This is your brief to the artist.


INFORMATION needed by the artist:


  • SIZE of the artwork

  • DEADLINE ( the time it is required by you)

  • ARTWORK in colour or black and white

  • PHOTOS of person to be caricatured. These must be recent, clear and a good representation of that person.

  • Several photos are useful.


ARTIST will then:


  • Email you back a sketch based on your brief and the photographs supplied.


  • YOU will make any changes or additions AT THIS STAGE. Further changes after this step are an added fee.


  • Half or all of the payment will be made before the final artwork is begun.


  • WHEN you have approved the sketch the ARTIST will do the final artwork on QUALITY paper using the BEST inks or Acrylic paints.


  • The final artwork will be posted, couriered or delivered to you as suits. Postage or courier has an additional cost for packaging and handling.


  • Payment can be made via the instructions on this web page, cash, direct bank transfer or by other agreed means.


Using this method you can have YOUR original caricature artwork created without you ever needing to leave your computer!


No matter where you are, no matter what you need…it can all be done quickly and professionally online by A Star is Drawn Entertainment!




line caricature1.jpg
Family Caricature Gift.jpg
Workmate Caricature Gift
Couples Caricature Gift
Gone Fishing Caricature Gift.
Rock God Caricature Gift.jpg
Bike Rider Caricature Gift.jpg
Money Bags Boss Caricature Gift.
Workplace caricature Gift
Family Caricature Gift

Your Caricature Gift, Your way!

LIVE CARICATURE ARTIST FOR HIRE IN QUEENSLAND– Weddings, Parties, Corporate Functions, Trade Shows, Tertiary Events, Private Functions, Conferences, Christmas Parties, Birthdays, Bar Mitzvahs.

Cartoon Caricatures, Sketch Artist for Hire, Party Caricatures, Cartoonist for Hire, Caricaturist Hire, Wedding Caricatures, Cartoon Artist for Hire, Caricature Hire, Cartoon Artist Drawing, Caricature Art, Caricaturist, Birthday Caricatures, Caricature Artist for Parties, Live Caricatures, Cartoonist for Parties, Caricatures from Photos, Gift Caricatures, Group Caricatures, Cartoons from Photos, Digital Caricatures, Digital Cartoons, Digital Caricature Artist for Hire, Digital Caricatures Queensland, Live Caricature Artist Queensland, Digital Caricatures for Trade shows.

– Weddings, Parties, Corporate Functions, Trade Shows, Tertiary Events, Private Functions, Conferences, Christmas Parties, Birthdays, Bar Mitzvahs.

Cartoon Caricatures, Sketch Artist for Hire, Party Caricatures, Cartoonist for Hire, Caricaturist Hire, Wedding Caricatures, Cartoon Artist for Hire, Caricature Hire, Cartoon Artist Drawing, Caricature Art, Caricaturist, Birthday Caricatures, Caricature Artist for Parties, Live Caricatures, Cartoonist for Parties, Caricatures from Photos, Gift Caricatures, Group Caricatures, Cartoons from Photos, Digital Caricatures, Digital Cartoons, Digital Caricature Artist for Hire, Digital Caricatures Australia, Live Caricature Artist Australia, Digital Caricatures for Trade shows.

Caricature Entertainment Parties Events Trade Shows Conventions Cartoons Fast Caricatures Weddings Party Book Today

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All images on all pages of this website, inclusive of any designs, drawings, renderings, pictures, in whole or in part, are protected against unauthorised reproduction or electronic transmission by Australian and International copyright law and agreement.

Any usage of these images by any person or entity must be preceded by written consent from their author Joanne Brooker.

Get in Touch

500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158  /  Tel. 123-456-7890

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